In today’s market, smaller budgets and the lack of innovative ways to promote a business make marketing more and more frustrating. In difficult times, the worst thing to do is to cut promotion and advertising funds since your business could come to a screeching halt. So what is the most effective method to utilize limited funds in a difficult market in order to reach your target audience plus increase brand awareness? Simple -- promote business thru custom sport apparel.
No matter the size of your company, having the exposure of your product/service on a bike jersey, running or gym shirt will reach thousands of people in a direct and affordable way. “This way to advertise becomes a moving billboard,” says Carlos Ruiz, sales manager for , a web company which specializes in custom sport apparel. Almost all companies can afford the investment to personalize bike jerseys or athletic tops for their employees’ athletic events or training programs. In addition to pleasing your employees, you are creating a great opportunity for your employees to market their own company and its products. Companies that sponsor athletic activities can increase their exposure in the local community. It is useful to have bright, large logos, your website, phone number, and even email on the jerseys so people can contact you. * can produce small quantities of apparel which means that a company can get exposure to thousands of people for less than $100. Some of the statistics are interesting. On a 40 mile ride, the cyclist is exposed to approximately 30 other bikers, 200 cars, and another 200 people along the way. In this way, your company can reach over 20,000 people for each bike shirt providing it is worn 50 times in a year.. Shirts can be a fine way to start conversations , and who would be better to ask about the company than a motivated employee or a sponsored athlete. With an average investment of $50 per jersey, the cost per thousand exposures is just $2.50. Some of the businesses that can benefit greatly from this strategy include gyms, health and well been stores, training studios, spas, athletic equipment stores, car shops, local restaurants and bars, and car dealers.
Sometimes just getting one inquiry or customer from one jersey, can pay for the whole investment. For Athletic apparel is a great way to create brand recognition and reward good customers. The apparel can be worn to everyday activities like going to the gym, riding a bike, or going out for a run and the company gets free exposure on all of those.
Here is what Bill Ross from Ross Chiropractic in Ventura CA has to say about his experience: “I ordered my custom bike jersey and shorts combination from and have found that this was one of the best advertisements for my business I have done yet. The color combination works incredibly well with my bicycle, and the rewards have been huge. I have new patients coming in and telling me that they saw me riding; these jerseys are moving billboards! Everywhere I go people recognize me because my name is in big letters, it breaks the ice and makes communication so much easier. Why would you want to wear a jersey promoting someone else, why not promote yourself and reap the rewards? I have and will continue to increase my business by wearing my custom jerseys from

Paul Nicholls from Bali Living Imports, a small furnishing store in Boyne City, MI, talks about his experience: “I live in a small tourist town and we get a lots of non locals that show up for our group bike rides. My custom jersey often comes up in conversations probably because the colors are perfect and my logos look great. They have even brought some of those riders in to my store at a later date. I have many bibs and jerseys to choose from when I go out on a ride and the custom ones have jumped right to the top of my rotation.”
Geoff Lew, owner of Aero Physical therapy, tells us: “ I am so proud to wear the jersey out on my bike rides and when I have a couple of riders wearing the jerseys, our company name definitely stands out on the road. I look forward to wearing them in upcoming centuries, triathlons, and training rides. Other companies usually required minimums that made it difficult for our small company to reach. The jerseys made by were designed and made for me; they were great looking, reasonable priced. From a business standpoint, having my company's name printed on jerseys and tee shirts is my way of making "Aero Physical Therapy" a household name and your first thought if you should happen to be looking for a physical therapist (especially one who bikes)! “
If you are interested in getting more customers, more traffic in to you store, contact us about getting a custom made bike jersey for your business.
Advanced and technical features used on Smart Fabrics used on sport apparel UV ray SPF, Temp Control.
We have all heard about all sorts of features and technologies used in sport apparel gear but some of those seem to be a little bogus or just difficult to understand. So we contacted Sales Manager of Carlos Ruiz to understand and see with our own eyes what those advanced fabrics really do for athletes.
“It has been a long time since cotton has not been used for pro level athletes in different sports like running or cycling. These days we used the benefits of smart fabrics like polyester, nylon and different blends to our advantage to improve comfort, increase durability and enhance performance and aesthetics” says Carlos Ruiz, sales manager for , sport apparel company which specializes in custom cycling, tri and running apparel. It is true that smart fabrics are more expensive and more difficult to work with than traditional cotton fabrics, but the final result is well worth the extra investment. We will create a list of the unique features and properties of features uses in the apparel.
1. UV ray protection: This is one of the most unique features: the SPF 30 factor is achieved by applying a thin layer to the fabric during the manufacturing process. It does not represent an extra weight, color or smell to the fabric, but it does save lives! We have had a lot of customer who have developed skin cancer, but using our long sleeve jerseys, it does not mean they have to give up their bikes. We have developed a test where you can see a sheet of newspaper exposed to the sun light for about 8 hours for 2 days. After that time you can see the side of the paper exposed to the sun completely yellow and tarnished. The side which had the smart fabric (polyester) with our UV ray protection fabric looks like new. This will be the same effect the sun will have on your skin.
Check the following pictures showing on the left the exposed paper to sun after only 2 days and on the right the portion covered with our special SPF30 fabric used in bike jerseys

Example of initial newspaper, on the middle our special polyester fabric with UV ray SPF30 Protection technology and finally the discolored and tarnish newspaper on the outside and whither and fresher newspaper on the inside where the fabric covered it.
For a more detail test check the complete video at
2. Moisture and temperature control: Not all fabrics behave the same and not all polyesters are made the same. So cotton might be soft t the touch, but its is heavier and gets wet easily plus it takes much longer up to 5 times as long to get dry when compared to advanced polyester fabrics. This also means that polyester jerseys do not absorb as much moisture (water and sweat) as other fabric do, but also they once when during strenuous exercise it gets dry much faster. Also as we mentioned, not all polyester are made the same, so we use an “open” knitted polyester which allows water, moisture and sweat to be transferred thru the fabric much faster so the wet and cold feeling is minimize and also the drying time.
Check the pictures below and see how a “close” knitted polyester used by a top European manufacturer does not absorb the water droplet where an “open” knit fabric absorb the drop much faster and in to a wider area, maximizing the exposure and allowing for a faster drying.

Example of close knitted fabric on the top with no water absorption and open knit fabric used by bikingthings on the bottom with fast water absorption
For a more detail test check the complete video at
3. Shape and colors on the fabrics: because the digital sublimation process is used, the colors never fade like it happens with screen printing. This ensures a good and quality exposure for any sponsor plus the comfort factor for the person who wears the piece. It will be a bad investment for a company to sponsor sport apparel piece which after a couple of washes, the quality is compromised. With the digital sublimation that is avoided; colors and shape stay true after years and even if hard chemicals like bleach is spilled to it no degradation occurs. The same is to say for the shape of the piece; while cotton looses it flexibility and original shape making the piece uncomfortable after some uses, polyester fabrics stay true, after washes, flexes and exposure to sun and harsh conditions.
4. More flexible garment and better construction: Polyester fabrics depending on its construction and the fiber blends used can flex up to 15% of its original shape. This allows for a better construction of the garment with more panels to conform to any body type. Most sports demand an aerodynamic fit, with less drag and less flapping during exercise. This means better performance for the athlete and a much better fit and exposure for the sponsors.
5. Stain and Bad odor protection: Finally because of the technology and the knitting technique of polyester it prevents the fabric from getting stained. This is especially important when exercising during extreme conditions like rain, mud, or simply on the road. It also prevents bad odors from sticking to the fabric. It uses different specific materials which act like antibacterial aid, preventing the garment from getting bad smells unlike your typical cotton cap or shirts. Cotton is very likely to get stained and when wet, bacteria and bad smells trive under those conditions.
The importance of advance materials and a perfect fit of bike apparel for top performance
Some of Our Customer´s Feedback:
- Ken Cole from Seabrook, TX: The black Red Rider jerseys showed up today. They look great man. Another great set of custom jerseys from you. Thanks
- Rachel Stollman from New Haven, CT: thank you very much! I received the Kit today and it is awesome!
- Brent Fulce from Bakersfield, CA: Just received the tri suit and tried it on. Damn, thanks a lot. Good job by the crew there. I really like it. Thanks again.
- Sonia Scalf from Nashville, TN: We rode this weekend and wore the jerseys and were very satisfied. Very comfortable and they fit great!! I would recommend you guys to anyone!!!
- Lauren Tourton from Team Sligo, Media, PA: we LOVED the jerseys! So many other cyclists told us they wished they were on our team because of the shirts. Great job!
- Joe Rungee from knoxville, TN: The Jerseys look awesome! I just wanted to let you know how excited we are to wear our jerseys in our triathlon this weekend!
- Alain Lafleur from Montreal, CANADA: Just received the jerseys and they are perfect. You may start on working short and t shirt for running...
- Melissa Benaim from Aventura, FL: Hi Carlos, i just received the shirt and it's awesome! My dad loved it too... Thanks for everything
- Mark Leuck from Irving, TX: Received the snakeskin jersey and shorts on Friday and wore them tonight. Excellent look and fit! I'll likely be ordering the turtle or cheetah pattern in the very near future
- Catriona Stack from Greenwood Village, CO: The jerseys arrived and they look great! Thank you so much.
- Edward Tamallanca from Fanwood, NJ: I received the shirt today. It is awesome! Your company did such a great job. I am sure that he will like it. Thanks again.
- Wendy Privee from Davie, FL: I just wanted to let you know Ironman Texas was a success! I wanted to thank you for all your help with the Jersey and shorts etc. I have never worn a more comfortable pair of tri shorts in my life and now want to throw all my others in the trash and order more. I actually wore the Jersey more for training and at the last minute changed my mind and wore a sleeveless Jersey for race which worked out well. I really should have in hindsight got the one one piece and hope to order it soon when I can save some money. Anyway, hope you are having a great day
- Louis Emringer from Luxembourg: I forgot to thank you. Everything was perfect. The jerseys are nice and the size is exactely good. I will wear them in October or Novembre on my next mtb tour. Have a nice weekend
- Marc Dovi from Rochester, NY: They are in and distributed and they look fantastic. Thanks for all your help in turning those around so quickly for us. Marc
- Michael Santori from Cottage Grove, MN : I got the shirt, thanks a bunch. I am totally happy with the shirts. I can't say enough good things about how you handled my order or how well the shirts turned out. Feel free to use any of my comments in your feedback section
- Valenda Phillips from Montgomery, AL: Just wanted you to know our package arrived just in time to celebrate someone's 60th birthday. She was thrilled. Thank you so much for all your attention and great customer service!
- Lorre Gibson from Englewood, CO: I wanted to thank you again. First for being so patient with CNI and the delay earlier in the year in placing our order. Second for the great design and 3rd for the timely arrival of the product. They look great and I can’t wait to get them distributed to my riders. Our team will wear them proudly on June 2nd at the Elephant Rock Cycling Festival in Castle Rock, CO. Capacity is 7,500 riders. It will be a great ride.
- Laura Bronstone from Truckee, CA. Thank you Carlos! The jersey arrived today. It looks sooooo great. Amazing. Thank you again, I’m excited for Howard to open it and try it on next weekend for his surprise birthday bike ride Many thanks for all your help.
- Jun C. of American Peptide Co., Inc., Vista, CA: I had the pleasure of working with Carlos and The company I work for wanted to have a single custom jersey made for me so that I could wear it at Tour de Cure 2013 in San Diego, CA. We were on a time crunch since the event was about one month away. I contacted a number of custom jersey makers with the details of what was needed and Carlos replied back the next morning with all the answers I was looking for. Needless to say, there wasn’t a reason to compare prices with any other manufacturer (everyone else required a minimum number of jerseys to be ordered). Since we already had the design in mind and already drawn, I emailed the file to him and they worked on it right away. There were a few issues with the file and Carlos quickly contacted me to remedy the problems. He also gave us feedback on our original design and gave us advice on where certain elements should be placed so that they wouldn’t become distorted once the fabric is sewn together. Carlos sent us a proof of what the finalized design would look like and asked us if there were any corrections that needed to be made. The proof was approved and they started working on the jersey… all within 48 hours of initial contact. We received the completed custom jersey in one week (plenty of time before the tour) after sending our design and we couldn’t have been happier! The jersey was well built and Carlos and did an awesome job of turning the “vision” of our company cycling jersey into a reality! Thanks again Carlos and! Hope to work with you again soon!
- Richard Pierce from Charlestown, MA: Our jerseys arrived in time for our ride despite a very tight deadline. Carlos was great staying in touch as the jerseys were being designed and created. The team loved the jerseys. Riding in a large charity ride with team jerseys really helped us to keep the group together as it was easy to spot other team members and pull them back into our pace line.
- Richard Senior from Franklinville, NJ: I ordered two tropical bike shirts from your company an really enjoy the fit,colors an Quality of your product.. Great job...they have turned a few heads..thanks..
- Jason Sjostrand from Anoka, MN: Just wanted to let you know that I received my Panama bike Jersey yesterday and I LOVE it!! I will definitely recommend you guys to my fellow riders. Thanks again!!
- Lynn Hunter from Springfield, VA: We got the package today. They were a perfect fit and we are just thrilled with the set. Thank you so much for getting this to us in time for Saturday's ride!
- Maurice Watts from Baytown, TX: Just wanted to say thanks ... I received the jersey yesterday ( Monday April 22nd ) and I am very happy with it. I'll probably order another jersey ( different ) later. Just wanted to say thanks for a job well done.
- Juan Hernandez from Los Angeles, CA: Jersey looks awesome!!! Thank you very satisfied!!
- Susan Peterson from Round Rock, TX: Thank you so much for your help with our Jerseys. Everyone loved them! Sending you a couple of pics of our Tough Cookie MS 150 2013 Team! I can't believe how easy and fast the whole process was. I really appreciate you too, you responded so quickly to all my e-mails and always kept me up to date. It was a pleasure working with you!
- Earnie Porta from Occoquan, VA: The Discover Prince William & Manassas logo custom jersey you did for me came out great! Earnie Porta Mayor, Town of Occoquan
- Raqhel Shine from Highland Village, TX: OMG I got the jerseys today! I LOVE MY PANAMA JERSEY!!! I will be riding on the MS150 Houston to Austin next weekend and I will be wearing her on Sunday for the Grand Finale of the ride!!!!THANK YOU!!! Will for sure keep you in mind for future jerseys! Thanks
- Kurt Geiger from Green Bay, WI: A very big THANK YOU!!! From Team BYKNBREW for your help in making our customized Team BYKNBREW jerseys ,everybody that ordered them loved them.They fit perfect and the design is awesome.. Thanks Again...Kurt
- Brendan Roche from IRELAND: Hi, just letting you know that i have received the bike jersey thanks, and its very impressive. Once again thanks
- Mike James from Plano, TX: Great company to work with! Communication was first rate, the turn around time frame was right on target and the final jersey exceeded my expectations. All in all, an excellent customer experience. I will be ordering from you guys again!
- Gabe from Austin, TX: Received the jersey, very pleased with the purchase and the fit. Thanks for your advice!
- Steve Niemantsverdriet from Warner Robins, GA: Just received the jerseys this weekend -- look great, appreciate all your support in getting the final product.
- Michael Star from San Rafael, CA: I got my jersey-looks great. Great quality and looks, unique and clever design. For future reference can you do the same design in different colors, long sleeve, women's, etc,? Michael
- Mark Jeremy from Suffolk, ENGLAND: Just received the jerseys, thanks they are great, we will be using on our first day in Beccles Suffolk and our final day St Moritz Switzerland, attached is our story a picture of your great shirts. If you can help promote our Facebook or Twitter pages we would really appreciate it. Follow them at and
- Richard Krabbendam from Chattanooga, TN: The jersey arrived, it looks great, and your sizing advice was right on target. Thanks again
- Ann Sanders from Mableton, GA: The jersey arrived and is perfect. Thank you so for taking such pride in your product. Great job! I'll need another one with a different design for my husband by march 29. You'll hear from me soon .
- John Hedrick from Beccles, ENGLAND: Carlos, A final note to let you know the shirts just arrived safely in England. They look fantastic, and fit perfectly! Thank you again for all of your help, and if I get pictures of the bikers on their tribute ride from England to Switzerland I will send them to you. Yours, John Hedrick
- Mike Willet from Wymore, NE: Dear Carlos: Received the Donate Life jerseys yesterday. Just wanted to let you know they are great. Thank you. We have forwarded you website info to the Donate Life Nebraska group so they know that if anyone else asks about jerseys they will have that info.
- Stanley Bielen from White House Station, NJ: Thank you again for the cool parts. Everything fit on very well, the aero brakes were fun to install and adjust.
- Richard Mason from Caloundra, AUSTRALIA: just letting you know that the bike clothes arrived today and that they fit perfectly.On top of that they look terrific. Thanks for your help.
- Lindsay Kelman from Brisbane, AUSTRALIA: Hi Carlos, Just to let you know the bike jersey arrived on Wednesday. It's a perfect fit so thanks for your advice re the sizing. Regards
- Kate Friedl from Tulsa, OK: The jersey and short look so great!! Thank you very much! I have already referred potential clients to you!
- Rudy Poglitsh from Orlando, FL: I really like Our Lady of Guadalupe, and I really like to ride. I wanted to put the two together, and a Google search landed me at Carlos Ruiz was extremely helpful in getting the right size, and the fabric of the jersey is perfect. The image of Our Lady is better than I had hoped. This is one of those rare instances in life where the product is even better than its advertising. I hope to get another jersey for my daughter. You cannot go wrong with
- Rachel Stollman from New Haven, CT: Thank you so much for the wonderful cycling kits. I am very pleased with them.
- Amy McCullough from Austin, TX: Thanks, Carlos! I got it the day after you emailed back. It does look great! My dad will get such a kick out it, I'm sure, and he really is the coolest. Thanks so much!
- Suzanne Giesemann from The Villages, FL: Hi Carlos, The dachshund bike jersey arrived JUST in time - right on my husband's birthday. I wish you could have seen his eyes when he unwrapped it. In 20 years of knowing him, I have never seen such a look on his face. Those dogs are his pride and joy, and to see them on a bike jersey blew him away. I think he wanted to go right out and go for a ride. (In fact, check out his big smile on his blog entry today (scroll down for the jersey): on December 11th It was an absolute home run, and I thank you for your great service, and for this great offer of customizing jerseys. We live in a community with several bike clubs of hundreds of people. I will spread the word about your company and hope to bring you lots of business. With thanks, Suzanne Giesemann
- Sarah Ashley from Toronto, CANADA: Hi Carlos, Just a little note to say that the jersey arrived today, hurray!... and it is perfect. We are very glad that you recommended the extra large, my husband tried it on as he about the same size as his Dad and it fits perfectly. Thank you for everything. Kind regards Sarah
- Bramley Cottage from Hampshire, ENGLAND: Thank you so much Carlos, it's arrived and is perfect. A loose but really comfortable fit as you said but for me that's ideal. Perfect timing too! Can't wait to get to Mexico on Tuesday next week. Many thanks
- Paddy Shelfe from Dorchester, UK: The shirt arrived incredibly quickly and in very good condition. The material is very high quality and the colours and images are bright and very clear. The shirt fits really well and after a few training rides and a wash is still bright and has maintained its shape. Take as much or as little as you like of the above and the last email and put it on your fb page. Thank you for creating these shirts for us all so quickly we will get some photos sent over to you of all the shirts in action.
- Pat Gordon from Fairfield, CA: We are very pleased with the shirt we ordered as is the recipient. We would recommend you to anyone wanting a specialized bicycle shirt. Thank you for your attention to this order.
- Tom Dorigatti from Pekin, IL: The jerseys arrived this morning, dead on the time that FedEx said they would. Thanks for your hard work getting these jerseys done for us. They look very, very nice indeed....even better than what was in the pictures of the layout. Definitely high visibility!
- David Williams from Cardiff, UK: Hi Carlos, Just a quick note to say a big thank you for my running shorts they came today and there brilliant Regard Dave
- Geralyn Smitherman from Olympia, WA: Greetings! Just had to tell you that I was at my son's when his shirt arrived. It is perfect!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much! Geralyn Smitherman
- Erik Joseph from Santa Monica, CA: We have received the jerseys thank you for expediting the process. Everything looks great! Color logos all spot on. We hope to make this an annual event and will most likely be having different sponsors and more participants every year, we hope to work out another great deal with you next year.
- Boe Brodum from USA: Carlos, I received the trisuit the other day. great job, thank you guys so much and thank you for your customer service from so far. Top notch my friend. Thanks again.
- Alex O'Rourke from Brazil: Hi Carlos, Actually got it on Friday, thanks a lot. Great stuff, very happy with it. I'll be in touch in the next few weeks to order some more. Alex
- Paul Beck from Boscobel, WI: We received our jerseys and could not be happier with them. The fit is great on both. Thanks also for the excellent customer service. Paul & Jan Beck
- Hector Cardenas from St Johns, FL: I received the shirt and I can't thank you enough. It is awesome. I just got back in from out of town so it was waiting for me when I arrived. Again, thank you. Thank you.
- Debby Phelps from Gunnison, CO: Dear Carlos, I apologize to the delay in telling you how much I like the EPM jersey and bibs. They arrived Wednesday as you said they would. Wonderful service and they fit well. Thank you. Debby
- Dave Robinson from Phoenixville, PA: The jersey arrived it's great!! Thanks!!! Dave
- Kim Matteen from Duluth, MN:Our custom Human Development Center shirts arrived as promised and our tri-athlete Jim LOVES them! While wearing the shirt during the Superior Man Triathlon on Sunday he received many �shout outs� from the crowd for our organization. He also told me that despite biking 56 miles and then running a half marathon in the shirt, it looks like brand new. We are happy with your product and will be repeat customers, should the need arise. Thank you! Kim Matteen, Human Development Center Foundation/Development Director
- Fritz Cleveland from Golden Valley, MN: The jersey arrived last week. I was finally able to wear it for a ride yesterday. Fits well and looks great�even had someone yell �Viva Colombia!�. Thanks.
- John House from Wake Forrest, NC: Received, looks and fits great. Thanks for expediting. I tell all my riding guys/group about you guys being able to do small orders. I�m also trying to convince one of my customers to put one together for me too. Stay tuned.
- Jony Perez from Lawrence, MA: I just got the triathlon suit and it looks great. Thanks,
- Jen Palmer from Boca Raton, FL: Good afternoon. My tri shirt just arrived and I LoVE it! Thank u! Great job!
- Kathy Scanlon from West Hartford, CT: Just a quick note to let you know we received our shirts and were really happy with them. The quality was great and we received many compliments on our Pan-Mass Challenge ride. Thanks again for working with us.
- Paul Schreck from Littleton, CO: Rating: Excellent Price Rating:Good Shipping Options Rating:Good, Delivery Rating:Excellent, Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent Customer Service Rating:Excellent I ordered the wrong size jersey the first time, they took it back and had to make a larger size. I paid shipping and they took care of the rest. Great customer service. I'll be a return customer.
- Tom Rael from Santa Fe, NM: Carlos, This jersey is the best! My friends are blown away by it and I have to say that on its maiden voyage yesterday I felt that cars actually went out of their way to not get too close to me! Thanks for everything and I hope to send business your way! Cheers,
- Tom Harden from Bryant, AR: I have received my Scottish Jersey and I love it. First, thank you for the individual attention you gave my order. Second, this jersey looks great. Finally, I have four bicycle jerseys already and this one feels much more comfortable than any of the others. Thanks again. Take care
- Becky Fox from Dublin, OH: Just got them �they got stuck in customs for a day and�.. I LOVE THEM!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!
- Matthew Oetken from Appleton, WI: I received the jerseys yesterday. They look great. Thanks! Team Primary Care
- Johnny Clancy from Baton Rouge, LA: Got the suit and it fits and looks great! I will definitely be doing business with you guys again! Thank you for all of your help Carlos. God Bless. Team Epictimepieces
- Thomas Ferguson from Media, PA: Hi,The shirts look great! The Heard Team
- Ian Fraser from Drysdale, AUSTRALIA: Today I received my order and just wanted to let you I am very pleased with it and am looking to do more business with you in the future. Yours Sincerely
- Michael Orlandi Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating:Excellent Shipping Options Rating:Excellent Delivery Rating:Excellent Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent Customer Service Rating:Excellent Merchant pro-actively reached out to me to insure I had picked the proper size jersey. I was very impressed by that.
- Melissa Addison from Peoria, AZ: Carlos, I just received the package of jerseys. Thanks so much! Our Irish fans are gonna love the Ireland jersey for sure. It was such a pleasure to be able to converse with you via email. I truly appreciate your generosity to our school community. The school will follow up with a letter of appreciation for your records. Thanks SO much!
- Alan MacDonald from Hong Kong: Jersey arrived today. Quality great and just the right fit . I shall see if I can interest some of St Andrew�s society members in the shirt, thanks
- Anthony Nowak from Hernando, MS: I received my jerseys yesterday and they look fantastic. Thank you for your service. I have shown the jersey to all my sponsors and they were impressed. I look forward to wearing one for the first time. I'm very pleased with all you have done and will gladly refer others to you. I found the quality of the jersey to be very good and the look to be great. I would highly recommend biking things to anyone looking for custom jerseys.
- Rev. Daniel R. Wilson from Concord, NC: Received the gear kit today!!! I absolutely LOVE it!!! I can't wait to get the gloves to complete the whole kit!!! I may need a medium jersey next time for a tighter race fit, but this one will definitely work for a comfortable riding Jersey! Thanks,
- Beverlee Rabanal from Saint Helena, CA: I just wanted to send one last and final THANK YOU for all the work you did on our Team Mascara Jerseys. After the all the back-and-forth emails and changes and additions, we were all really happy with the final result. We wore them proudly during this year's Aids LifeCycle and everyone who saw them asked who had done them. We did our best to tell everyone about your website! Attached are two photos we took in them - one of the front and one of the back. We look forward to working with you again - we have decided that we should have newly designed jerseys every year we ride. Next year, we are taking a break, but will look forward to contacting you again in 2014! This time, we'll get started much earlier so we're not so much in a rush! Again, many thanks from the team - myself, Holly, Isaac, Tom and Madan! Beverlee
- Nicholas Malavis from Houston, TX: Went riding with my Saturday cycling group wearing the new jersey. Everyone was blown away especially since it matches the orange flame-on-black frame paint scheme of my bike. KUDOS again Carlos!
- Diana Bitner from Countryside Bike Shop in Greenville, OH: Carlos, received the jersey. It looks great. We will be getting back with you in a few weeks with an order. Want to display it and get orders. Thanks so much Diana
- Eric Coates from Washington DC: The jerseys came today and they are quite awesome. Thanks again. I�ve already received some inquiries here in the office so we may be ordering some more in the near future Team MCKISSACK & MCKISSACK
- Bridgette Curtis from Hobbs, NM: Received the jerseys! LOVE THEM!!!! Thank you so much! Better than I imagined. Great job! Team RICE co
- Robert Summer from Dallas, TX: The gang at are amazing! I submitted a request on a Monday to have 4 jerseys produced and shipped to me by Friday of that same week. I received a response from their Sales Manager Carlos shortly after submitting my request and he turned around a proof of the jersey design within a couple of hours and helped me figure out the best sizes to order. My jerseys arrived Friday morning � in plenty of time for a big ride that Saturday morning. I am truly amazed at how fast they turned my order around and I greatly appreciate the fantastic customer service. The jerseys are very good quality and fit great. Rob Sumner Park Place Dealerships
- Patricia Comfort from Bellevue, WA: Mark loved the jersey and it fit just right! Thanks again for the help on this one. -Patricia
- Thomas Carley from Mahopac, NY: I just wanted to thank you again the Jersey's are great everyone loved them. We wore them with pride through the streets of New York City. As a transplant survivor it was a great feeling to not only be able to ride the 45 miles through New York city but also to be able to represent a great cause like Donate life. Thank you for helping me do that. I have attached a picture of us at the bike event. Team Donate Life CT
- Norman Campion from NY: Thanks. I got the jersey and gloves and both look great.
- Nicholas Malavis from Houston, TX: Received my cycling jersey. Superb quality. VERY NICE! Completely Satisfied. Thanks for your help Carlos.
- John Sullens from Windsor, CANADA: I received the jerseys: Great job! I suspect you will be getting some further orders from my friends in the near future! Many compliments on the 'Jackhammer' jersey in last nights group ride. Will be in touch!
- Colin Elstub from Cranbourne, Australia: Just letting you know that the jerseys arrived today. They look and feel fantastic. Thanks for a job well done. I look forward to taking one for a ride on the weekend and will happily recommend your business to everyone. I am sure that the jersey will get noticed and people will be sure to ask me about it. Your jerseys are by far the best and most comfortable ones that I have have ever had.
- Dan Ott from Aliso Viejo, CA: Hey Carl hope all is good. Just wanted to let you know the Jersey is doing it's job, I am defiantly getting more inquires about the cause. I will be ordering another one in the next couple months. Also, I am doing two T.V. Interviews on Monday and of course will be sporting the Heroes Jersey.
- Coreyanne Armstrong from the UK: Hi again Carlos! Thought you might like to see how the tri-top worked out! Here is a picture attached of this past Saturday, 7 months pregnant running the All-Nations 10K at Dorney Lake in Windsor, UK (It's where the Olympic rowing is taking place this summer!) I happened to talk to a few other Americans, but I was the only one there in the Stars and Stripes! There were lots in the Union Jack of course, and a few Aussies running with their flag as a cape, and I think I saw some Danes. So I was happy to have the top. Thanks again for working with me to make it fit my big tummy!! :)
- Ben Marra from team silverton: Received them! Look great. Thanks. I am forwarding carol's to her. Will send pix from the finish in july!
- Brent Ellis from Cleveland, TN: I'm not sure if I told you after I received the jersey how pleased I am with it. It turned out to look even better in person. You guys did an outstanding job!! So goos a job in fact, that now one of the guys in the office wants one like it. I have given him your email and he said that he'll be in contact with you at the first of next week as he is out of town on business at the moment. I just wanted to let you know that he'll be getting in touch with you.
- Matt Fowler from Charlotte, NC: I received the jerseys late last week. Look great. I appreciate the help with the process. Look forward to ordering more in the future.
- Tim Giddens from Wilmington, NC: Jerseys arrived yesterday, and they look GREAT. Appreciate your help, and will pass my recommendation on to my biking friends. Thanks so very much.
- Kathy Vochoska from CA: I just received my jersey today and I LOVE it!! I can't wait to wear it on my next ride!! What a great experience working with you and your company. Thank you for such a positive experience. I will definitely spread the word about your company!
- Daniel Rojas from Orlando, FL: Carlos me acabo de llegar el uniforme quedo fenomenal de verdad que lleno todas mis expectaciones y hasta mas no tengo palabras para agradecerte ati y a tu compa�ia quedo igualito a la foto que te mande muchisimas gracias pronto me comunicare contigo para hacer otros uniformes gracias nuevamente no puedo esperar para ver los guantes ....
- Matt Kirk from Houston, TX: Our shirts arrived today and they really do look amazing! Thank you very much. I will be sure to send some pictures through of the team in action. Thanks again. Team Xodus
- Becky Devlin from Rochester, NY: The jerseys arrived today and we are beyond satisfied! The colors are vibrant and the logos perfect. Thank you so much! We are surely going to be needing more as our cycling team continues to grow. I�ll be sending you another order request soon! Thanks again!! Team JCC
- Mary Roach from Tiverton, RI: Just received the jerseys so I wanted to tell you what a good job you and your staff did. They look really great. We like them a lot.Thanks again for all your help. Mary
- Spiros Christoforatos from Mastic, NY: received the shirt over the weekend - it's GREAT, I absolutely love it. The color and the fit are perfect. I appreciate it. I may be ordering more items from you in the future. Thanks!
- Joanne De Sousa from South Fremantle, AUSTRALIA: Received the Jerseys and they were a well-loved present � thanks for your promptness in responding to my queries. Thanks again.
- Matt Morgan from Warsaw, POLAND: Great clothing and even better customer service...took the time to "double check" my height and weight to ensure I was ordering the right size...then they got my stuff into the mail quickly and when it arrived I was really pleased with the quality and the fit was perfect...awesome! I will be ordering again and again from them....
- Karl Kramer from Jenks, OK: Wow the jersey is great perfect fit adjustment too
- Joanne Canty from UK: I finally got my hands on the jerseys mid-February and I have to say they are FANTASTIC!!!! We are going to look the bees knees in these jerseys in November :o) Yet again you have done a wonderful job and risen superbly to the almost impossible tasks I set ;o) I'm just sick with envy that I have to wait until May for mine but as it's so cold here anyway, I wouldn't be wearing sleeveless jerseys out cycling right now.I may have a couple more orders for you for the Mexico strip, as my boyfriend is finally going to register for the ride, along with his Uncle and cousin and I think they all want a jersey each. Will be in touch if they do decide to go ahead. In the meantime, my thanks once again for being such a great team to work with - nothing is ever a problem and your high quality with value for money never ceases to amaze me - never get this level of flexibility in the UK.
- David Vaughn from Huntsville, AL: Just wanted let you know, I got the jerseys and they are awesome! I look forward to doing business with you again in the near future. Thank you so much!
- Bruce from Federal Way, WA: The tiger jersey has arrived, thank you very much! Here are some pictures. I must say that I am impressed with the fit - it is close-fitting, but not tight or binding, and if I do lose some more weight, it won't hang baggily on me. I was very reluctant to go with the 4XL sizing, because I've never had anything larger than a 2XL, but you obviously know your product and how to fit it for muy grande Norteamericanos. The fit reminds me of a jersey I used to have from the Millonarios F�tbol Club, which was the largest shirt they had in the store in Bogota; I know that's probably not your team and that you may even hate the mention of their name, but I wanted a soccer jersey as a souvenir, and that was the only one that fit me. Besides, I outgrew that jersey long ago and it was given away. Thank you very much for your service, and I will recommend you when people ask me where I got the really cool tiger shirt!
- Lonnie Hicks from Honolulu, HI: I received the outfit in the mail on Thursday afternoon. It was like Christmas morning, opening of presents. The outfit is fantastic. Renee and I love it. It is very light weight, my other cycling jerseys are thicker and heavier. I broke the outfit in, by riding my HandCycle to the Still & Moving Center for my Tai Chi class, and it was wonderful. Everyone at the Center loves it. I even had 2 people ask if Renee was going to sell the outfit in the on-site boutique. I have not asked Renee about selling them, but I will the next time I see her. Renee and I want to thank you for all your hard work and patience! By getting the outfit here before my race on Monday, you went above and beyond to support us!!! Attached you will find pictures of me in the outfit on my HandCycle. I will send you pictures of the Great Aloha Run and any awards I receive. Thank you again for a superb job in supporting our needs! Follow Up comments: I did the Great Aloha Run today and finished first in the HandCycle division. The outfit was great and it moved with me and did not pinch or ride up anywhere! Thanks Again!!!!
- Ellery Althaus from North Truro, MA: Jerseys are beautiful and fit wonderfully. Thanks! I was wondering if I could get a copy of the art you guys did?Just so I can keep logo as uniform as possible with other things like business cards.
- Dan Ott from Aliso Viejo, CA: Carlos,Received my jersey today, fits great. It's perfect for my fund raising, I ride solo fully loaded cross country to raise awareness and funds for Freedom Alliance; Scholarships for Children of fallen Servce-members. See links below, I have ridden over 18,000 miles and raised over $16,000 so far. Your jersey should bring me some great visual eye catching opportunities to start up a conversation. Thanks again.
- Donna Shaw: The bike jersey is awesome!! I love it. I might have to buy some for Christmas gifts this year. Big thank you.
- Chris Werth from Albuquerque, NM: I've been meaning to let you know that the Jerseys are awesome and fit perfectly. Thanks for everything! I will definitely be recommending you to anyone who needs custom jerseys.
- William Sikora: Hello Carlos, The shirt arrived today and it fit perfectly. You know what you�re doing. Thanks also for the head cover. My wife liked the jersey so much she said we�ll get one for a dear friend who will be 80 this year (and still rides). We�ll probably get him the Germany Deutschland Bike Jersey. Maybe we�ll surprise him that is if I can get the measurements from his wife without him suspecting. Regards, Bill
- Ambroise Canning from Hobart, Australia: the jersey arrived last Wednesday (it is Sunday evening our time here now), I test rode one top on Friday. Fit is good. Thanks again
- Frank Carter from Wyomissing, PA: We got the jersey. It fits fine and the zipper works. Thanks Frank Carter
- Vanessa Graziano from Denver, CO: It looks so great! Thank you for the pictures I'm so excited to give it to him. You were awesome Carlos thank you!
- Pat Antonelli from West Haven, CT: Hi, Carlos. I wanted to let you know that the jersey arrived today, and my husband LOVED it, and the XL is the perfect size. Unfortunately, it's 27 degrees out right now, with the temps falling, so he won't be riding outside in a short-sleeved jersey for quite a while. He is wearing it right now, however, while he's on his trainer in the basement, so he's already getting it all sweaty. I'm glad that I found you and your website, as this gift was a big hit!!! Who knows, I may be back for another one, and maybe some of the people my husband rides with (which is more than one group) will want a custom jersey! Thanks, again!
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